Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Last night

The last night I was sitting outside the hotel room. My friend just lost his mother and his church group came to sing with him and his wife. Just sat back and listened. If Jesus had a sound it would have been their voices. Some of the most beautiful harmonizing and words. They went for about twenty minutes straight and as it came to a close one by one each of them stood up and started praying out loud. Each had their own prayer, but collectively a mighty force. Hands raised and open. Such a beautiful way to end this trip. Their singing just cried FREEDOM in Christ! So thankful that God wove Haiti into my soul. This place is hard, but sweet. You can't explain it in an email or even in a conversation. The souls of the people have this unique beauty and strength. Self reflection as I head back to the states and prepare my self for the technology, the fast pace, the distraction of the news, being able to be self sufficient... I pray that my soul would be more and more free in Christ and I would be reminded to continually raise my hands and give it all to him... freedom in his light!

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