Just getting done making dinner. Bought a block of cheese in Port-au-Prince. One can’t get cheese out this way, so we keep it for “special” days. Today is special because I am tired and I want cheese..ha! But just dropped a good chunk of it on the floor, in the states I would pick it up off the floor and eat it, in HAITI, NO WAY. Cholera has put everyone in a scare. While cheese is so precious here, I am not going to eat it..ha! Been a good week.
First week of camp fini! Favorite moment today was watching the children watch our “theatre” play of Jesus raising Lararus from the dead. O did they laugh….we wrapped Wilfete in a sheet and carried him across the room and put him in a “cave.” They lost it in laughter. Precious. Great to engage them in a different way than they are used too. Another moment that made me laugh was watching the 6-8 year olds play a game of soccer, skins vs. shirts. Hilarious, they got a bit into it, but don’t blame them, soccer is more than a game here.
Continue to be so thankful for what the Lord has allowed and equipped us to do. The workers have been a blessing. Today we had a new attendance of a 3 year-old come to camp. Her older sister was babysitting her. The 3 yr old came all dressed up and with the cutest smile, didn’t have the heart to tell her she couldn’t come in. Sweetest moment was watching Wilfete help her color this morning. He almost took her under his wing and took care of her for the morning. He is so good with the children. Over the years working in Haiti I have not found too many 23 year olds that truly love working with children. Been neat to see that in Wilfete. They look up to him because he takes care of them. I could see Wilfete one day being a “father/caretaker” for our hopeful home. Neat to vision even more for the future.
This place is beautiful. If you look past the dirt, garbage, and poverty you see PURE BEAUTY. Hard to explain through a blog. But the energy of the people, their compassion, the culture, their ability to overcome and keep smiling, and their faith continue to captivate me and challenge me. Thankful that I get to be a part of Haiti’s story. Continue to ask you all for prayers. My father is coming in on Tuesday. Pray for his flight, people, meeting him, me getting to Port-de-Paix to pick him up, pray that he gets here safely. It is a bit exhausting to travel by yourself in Haiti and my father doesn’t know Creole, so pray for his travels and strength. Love you all! Until next time….