Saturday, February 18, 2012

Cite Soleil...and Flan..a.k.a, bread soaked in????

Day two in Cite Soleil. The streets are full of noise. We have been taking a moto in with the man that we work with. Today we had a chance to enjoy some time with the children. We got a chance to facilitate an activity with the children, painted crosses on canvas. Neat to just what them engage, be children. Yesterday I found myself observing the children interact. Quickly came more and more aware of how many of the children display mannerisms that are learned from the street. I took 30 minutes to try and talk with two girls that had been hitting and biting each other. One of the girls seemed to get it, hear it and respond well. About ten minutes later she had a rock in her hand and was threatening to throw it at a little boy. I see more and more how one has to adapt to his/her environment.

Today we learned that there are 34 zones in Cite Soleil. Another 33 areas that are similar to Boston, Cite Soleil, or even worse. Before we left I had a woman pray that we would hear mighty testimonies. That has been a prayer on my heart, to hear the testimonies of people in Cite Soleil.

When we are in the streets in Cite Soleil one can see the poverty, the open sewer, but it is not until you dig deeper that you see the deeper hardships that people walk through. Yesterday we visited a "home" of an elder in the community. It was a room 6 feet by 11. His clothes were hanging on nails, a sheet on the floor that was called "bed" and a small file cabinet and a couple bowls for food. This is home to this man. A space the size of many of our cars. When it rains the water comes it is a night without sleep. Think it is harder and harder to understand....

Had a great meeting with some community members that would like to support the summer camp in Cite Soleil. Some community members with small trade talents who would like the idea of using the camp as a place to teach the children about different talents. It was neat to hear them converse and talk about their ideas, hopes for the children, what Cite Soleil needs, how a community can support each other. We started thinking and planning for the summer. Thinking in a deeper way how we can equip, empower, and enrich the children's lives.

Today as we were heading out of Cite Soleil I was overwhelmed by the poverty, the oppression, and the continuing pull of God saying, "reach my children with a home." It is an overwhelming thought and prayer...then I came home tonight home and read this, "Instead, the scope and impact of your vision will be determined by who you believe God is-and whether you have the courage to respond accordingly." Do I believe that God can build this home? Do I believe that God can ordain and align the steps for this vision? Who do we believe God to be? Should our scopes and visions be larger than they are? It was a neat confirmation as I do believe that God can do the impossible and that while the scope of this vision seems impossible, that is right where God loves to work and be present. So tonight in the midst of being overwhelmed, we push forward and fight the good fight. Another day in Cite Soleil the hearts of these people.

The funny moment of these last two nights has been "dessert" at dinner. I have been calling it flan, I hate flan. I don't even know what it is in the states, let alone what it is here. We have had it two nights in a row. Tonight we have determined it is bread soaked in....maybe eggs, a little sugar, evaporated milk, cinnamon...while it looks weird I somehow keep eating it. I keep blaming it on the tape worm I don't to love fake flan and a good day in Cite Soleil.

Love you all, thank you for all your prayers, your joy, your support in this adventure. Please continue to pray for our time in Cite Soleil that he would reveal more and more of the steps we should take. Until the next you all

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