This was my favorite part of the day. This little girl falling asleep in my arms. She was crying and slowly wandered over to me, arms extended, and tears falling. As soon as the arms went up I was hers. She nuzzled right into my chest and within ten minutes she was out. She stayed with me for about two hours. I could have been happy doing just that today. In those moments life seems to fade away. Her little nap refreshed me today.
Besides napping, we were able to complete the third mural today. Two more to go. Nothing like pushing it to the last minute. We finished the one in Cite Soleil today. Got to orchestra a color time with children. More like a free for all. This picture was of the children before all chaos broke out. I told them they had to kneel and not make noise. It worked for the first ten minutes. Lets just say that the twenty minutes following was not something I wanted to take a picture of. Played some soccer, practiced some Creole, and enjoyed the city with the people.
We have one more day in Cite Soleil and then we head up North. Looking forward to seeing friends up that way. We head out Friday and come back to Port-au-Prince on Tuesday. God has been so good to us. We had another great meeting this morning. We were able to vision and think about the future for Making Roots and Haiti. Exciting, seems impossible, but I know that God loves the impossible. So here we go….
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