Friday, July 13, 2012

A Day for the Books

What a day! Last day of camp in Cite Soleil and it was a great one at that. Walked in today and the children were all dressed up and ready to show off their work from the work. The church looked amazing. Had all their work hanging up, teachers were there, and children were singing up a storm. Three of my favorite boys, with crazy fun energy and character got up to sing. They sang in english, "We are the world, we are the children," and I was pretty close to crying. You are right, you are the world and you are the children and we need to keep being concerned about you, loving on you, remembering you, teaching you, and sharing life with you. So neat to watch them sing. This is them below. The other picture is of one of the same boys busting a move during the recess time. They love to dance, we just had a great, big party today. These particular boys had some much energetic, funny faces, energy and joy. Loved it.
Just a neat day all together. We talked about Luke 10:27 and about the importance of loving your neighbor like yourself. We had the children make cards for their teachers, moms, dads, they got to pick, but it couldn't be for themselves. It was so neat to see how much it captured their attention. They all drew their own photo, colored it, and wrote the longest letters inside. I got the opportunity to receive a couple of them and they are truly some of the best thank you cards I have ever gotten. Just neat to read about what made them happy, what they loved, thankfulness for the community coming together to support THEM. The skit of today, supporting the helping your neighbor theme, was the Good Samaritain. Lord, the staff got so into it both Ryna and I were roaring with laughter. We even had a donkey..hahah, it was great. The donkey being Elton, our great leader in the camp. Comical. Mario even broke out bandaids and tape as he was the good samartian and he needed to treat the beaten man. The children loved it. We were so blessed with a great staff, made the camp that much more fruitful.
Neat picture of Paloulou checking out the childrens artwork.
This is Marsal and the children he worked with for the last two weeks. So neat to watch him engage with the boys and share art with them. Such a blessing to watch it unfold.
The teachers with the children.
All the staff. We were so blessed by them. Got the chance to visit with Dorthy and meet her father. Neat blessing to share that with her. Love her joy and presence.
Good day. Full of emotions. The children's joy was something that will be hard to replicate. Something about it today, full of spirit and energy. It was contagious, it was hard not to laugh out loud and dance with them. It was one of those days that I will forever remember. Turned to Ryna today and said, "Might be one of my favorite days in Haiti." Just so neat to see JOY come ALIVE in a place that seems desolate and without JOY and ENERGY. So grateful for this place and how God moves. We head north tomorrow for another three weeks. Pray for our travels, bags, and energy. Pray for Ricky, he is coming in on July 29th, pray for his transitions and time in Haiti. Pray that God continues to cover this ministry and work, pray for FAVOR. Love you all and so thankful for you and walking this journey with us! We couldn't do it without you all:) The staff. Amazing group of people with great, great talent and joy to serve!

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