Monday, June 11, 2012

God is Working

WROTE this blog two days ago and since then she had been released. Hard morning, the craziness of getting ready for Haiti is kicking in and in the midst of the blessings that God is pouring on us to get ready I came up weeping for the people and country of Haiti. Just got word from a friend that her Haitian boyfriend, his aunt got kidnapped yesterday and the kidnappers are asking for a lot of money. Got news that up North where we are headed there is a big drought and food is scarce and very expensive. Seems constant, the daily opposition that Haitians face. This morning I am working at remembering to worship God in the midst of valleys and obstacles and burdens. Remember after the earthquake footage and viewing women worshipping in the streets, hands thrown up and praying and worshipping. We visited a home last year. We met a young man that was rescued and brought to the home (he was a restavek, term used for child slavery) He spoke about his battles as a restavek when he was 6. Then he spoke about how when the earthquake was happening (now 28 years old) he was on top of a 7-story building. The building came down and he jumped to a tree, tree saved his life. They lost most of their project, 7-story building that supported children housing, and school. I asked him what they were going to do. He said something that will forever stick with me. Not just because it was powerful scripture, but because of the person that was speaking it. He said, “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh. We will rebuild” I thought about what this man had overcame, walked through, been subject to “embrace”, and here he was continuing to claim God’s love and provision and say, We will rebuild. Haitians continue to amaze me with their strength and faith. Leave Haiti humbled. Thankful for this place that God has brought us. Thankful for the people that God has aligned with Making Roots. Went back and read this email to post today. Since this post I wrote two days ago the woman in Haiti has been released. I didn’t get many facts, just heard she was safe and well. I believe that God works in all things. Many of you have followed us over the years as we have been given the opportunity to venture in and out of Haiti and work with the people. God has laid many burdens on our heart for the people of Haiti. As I found myself getting this news yesterday I was reminded of the constant opposition that Haiti faces, but also the deep need for leadership to rise up for that country. Leadership of integrity, leadership led by faith, leadership that comes from good intentions and a heart to serve the people. As we enter this summer there is a lot going on that we are excited about. We have a couple new people coming over to Haiti. Our fundraiser coordinator will be making it over for a couple days to see Caitlin paint a mural the 1st week in August. We are excited for her to get over to Haiti and see first hand how she has been supporting Haiti. This will be her first time to Haiti. She has been committed to fundraising and supporting Making Roots for the last two years and we are so thankful for her commitment and joy to travel over with us. Please be praying for her as she gets herself ready to head over and embrace the people. We have some “old timers” coming over. We have our good ole sidekick Ryna coming along again and she will be helping with the camp for all five weeks. She is Haitian at heart, speaks Creole like a Haitian and can snap her fingers like a Haitian. She is going to do some health lessons in Cite Soleil with the children and also help to support the other weeks of camp. Always grateful for her leadership, strength, wisdom, and love for Haiti. We got another faithful servant, Ricky. This will be his second time back and he will be throwing it down with us in the mountains and in Cite Soleil. Brother, has a heart for the people and specifically working with the men, which has been a sweet blessing to ministry. Thankful for his leadership and willingness to serve and work with the Haitian people and us. Then you have the Beidler sisters. We are just excited to get back on the ground with the people. I was back in February, but Caitlin was not able to go in Feb. We are excited to get our hands dirty and “sling some paint,” work with friends, chat some Creole, be with the people and continue to learn how we can be available to serve with and for Haiti. We will be establishing youth workshops and growing camp by serving more children, providing more weeks, and hiking into the mountains to reach out to children that might not know about camp opportunities. Caitlin, will be painting it up in Cite Soleil in August. Always love those times because it brings the community together to voice what they want on the mural, work together, and grow together. We will be blogging while we are in Haiti. We are looking for prayers. Please pray that God provides safety for our team. Pray that the camp runs smoothly and we have more boldness and freedom to let the youth run things. We are working to let go of more because we want to equip and empower the locals to take ownership over the camp and youth workshops. Pray for wisdom in a knowing of how to hand more off to the locals so that they can have greater ownership for the camp. Pray that we may reach some children that need to be reached. We have never hiked into the mountains to try and get children that don’t know what we are doing. We would love to take this year to go beyond the local community. Pray for our workers, that they would feel energized and equipped to work, bold to speak up and take leadership, joyful to serve the children, and respected working with us. Pray that the Lord would continue to reveal to Making Roots how we should move forward in this season. Pray that God would provide more than enough finances. Pray for strength for both Caitlin and I as we are tired already and we have yet to go to Haiti.hahah, I laugh because the heat alone in Haiti makes one tired. I personally take off June 28th and come back August 17th. Volunteers’ will be coming and going throughout the summer. Pray for travels and that transitions would be swift and easy. Love you all and continue to be blessed by your involvement with us. Thank you for your prayers, financial support, and encouragement. We love you. Below is the link to our blog. While I am in Haiti I am just going to blog, not send emails. We would love if you followed us while we are there. Thank you for all your support and prayers.