Tuesday, August 26, 2008

In the Silence of a Day

Our last morning in Haiti we got to see our first sunrise and it was glorious. As the sun rose onto the valley I could not help but think of God's amazing power and love for his kingdom. I thought back to the countless blessing that he had poured upon our team, the camp, Haiti's children, and our travels. It was also in that Haitian sky that I thought about Haiti's suffering, oppression, and brokenness. I prayed for Haiti's restoration.

Haiti, an island were suffering is visual ever day. One day we were walking in the hills and we looked down into the valley to see four men working their land side by side. The land seemed monstrous, almost endless, and then you hear the men singing in unison and swinging the pics. I saw suffering. Suffering in the hands of men that will never know anything else but working the fields and trying to get a days work to feed their family. Suffering in a mother's eyes as she talks to you about how her child can no longer see and is loosing his hearing because of a massive growth that is forming on his neck. Suffering where there is hunger and drought. Suffering in the eyes of a child who craves an education and the ability to read. Suffering in the broken feet that walk 2 miles to fetch 3 gallons of water, three times a day. I found silence in that moment watching them. As they worked the field I thought about that day that suffering would be no more. I thought about that day when sweat would no longer fall because our kingdom would be restored. I thought about a new Haiti and I smiled.

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